The woods behind the house were pitch black. The trees hung down like reaching claws, like they longed

Don't think about that kind of stuff, he warned himself. You'll freak out and run back to the house screaming, and everybody will call you a little wussbag. Sure they will. It'll be just like the time jerry Samson was dared to stay in his garage (which he suspiciously thought was haunted), and he'd come out screaming and crying and saying he'd seen a ghost in there. And the whole group had teased him for the next whole week.

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Just like jerry had thought his garage was haunted, Shaun thought these woods were haunted. Had thought so for quite some time.

Something rustled in the trees above him.

Oh no, he thought, please let it be the wind making the leaves do that.

Shaun stopped, looked up. Nothing there. Just the tree branches.

And a dangling arm.

He had lowered his eyes and now he shot them back up to the branches. No, there was nothing there.

Stupid imagination, Shaun thought, leave me alone.

Something rustled in the trees above him once ...

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