Theme of Violence in Wuthering Heights

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My topic is the theme of violence in Wuthering Heights and what is its significance. It is an essential theme in the novel and it is vital to the characters personalities that they use violence to express their emotions. Wuthering heights is a story of two different houses Wuthering heights and Thrushcross Grange and its inhabitants. Both these houses are situated on the desolate and harsh moors of Yorkshire. Wuthering heights from the name itself it depicts a very strong, wild and a very passionate house, suggesting a cold unfriendly atmosphere. The Earnshaw family including Heathcliff lives in Wuthering Heights. The Earnshaw family including Heathcliff is depicted as a very stormy and also a very violent family as seen from the first chapter. From the way Heathcliff, Joseph and also Cathy received their new guest, Mr. Lockwood we can clearly see the rudeness in their character. The character of the inhabitants in WH is a contrast to those living in Thrushcross Grange. The people in Thrushcross Grange are in a way more civilized and calmer. The storyline of the book basically evolves around the relationship of Catherine and Heathcliff. The theme of violence is mostly shown in Heathcliff’s character. All his revenge and brutality towards other character mostly towards Isabella contributes to theme of violence. He acts very violently throughout the book because he was treated very badly by Hindley after Mr Earnshaw died. Heathcliff was not allowed to meet with Catherine and he was made and told to work like a slave. He was not allowed to dine with all the family members and with the inhabitants of the TG…this caused a feeling of revenge in Hc. This is what propelled heathcliff to act very violently throughout the book....Heath cliff’s violent character is seen in chapter 3 where heathcliff was given a “lame” colt and wanted to exchange with Hindley’s colt and his violent character is shown when he threatened Hindley “you will have to, and if I speak of these blows, you’ll get them again with interest” the blows here referring to the three thrashing Hindley gave him. Heathcliff is referred to in satanic and demonic ways throughout the book. He is termed wicked and unruly, cruel and spiteful. His intense yet destroyed passion towards Catherine Earnshaw causes him to despise all members of the Linton family of Thrush cross Grange, and he determined to destroy them in numerous. His character develops from chapter to another chapter he becomes a horrible person, especially when he abuses Isabella Edgar Linton’s sister.

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In chapter 17, Isabella Linton came back to Thrushcross Grange with all wt and covered with bruises after being hit repeatedly by Heathcliff and she was also bleeding. This shows Heathcliff’s violent character and his brutality. He used her infatuation as a tool of revenge towards the Linton’s; he constantly and savagely attacks Isabella Linton. Isabella even referred Heathcliff’ nature as “devilish”(pg 172). Isabella is herself inclined towards Heathcliff’s violence but not as capable of it.

Heathcliff makes it his life’s project to nurture Hareton in Brutality. In chapter 17 Heathcliff was locked out by Hindley and Hindley tried ...

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