To Kill a Mockingbird. How does Harper Lee present and develop the idea of real courage?

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Coursework Task: How does Harper Lee present and develop the idea of ‘real courage’?

The focal theme is linked to the title. Mockingbird is the theme in the book. It represents the idea of innocence, so it would be erroneous to kill a mockingbird. But throughout the story, many metaphoric mockingbirds are wronged or obliterated by a number of characters, and these Characters are; ‘Jem, Dill’, ‘Mr Raymond’, ‘Boo Radley’ and ‘Tom Robinson’. The idea of ‘mockingbird’ is referred to numerous times. After Tom Robinson is shot and killed, Mr Underwood appraises his violent death to ‘the senseless slaughter of songbirds’. But the most important quote is when Miss Maudie explains to Scout that the ‘Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird’ (Found in the beginning of the story).

There are many themes those of which include; Class, gender roles, laws, death of innocence and racial injustice. However, Courage dominates among them all alongside racial and social prejudice.

    Hence, there are several kinds of different courage; Basic courage is requisite to overcome childish illogical fears, such as the superstition towards ‘Boo Radley’. There is also a foremost dissimilarity between the physical and moral courage. Initially, Courage is shown to be physical. Jem likes playing football and is annoyed Atticus does not. Scout is revealed as a strong girl who beats up boys. Then Atticus illustrates some kind of physical courage when he shoots the mad dog, but he wants his children to comprehend that Courage is not ‘a man with a gun in his hand’.

    Later on, we witness that ethical Courage is stronger than the physical. On the other hand, Mrs Dubose has a vignette that rids her drug addiction although she is dying. She prevails and overcomes her physical need for morphine with her mental strength- this is ‘real courage’. Atticus wants his children to see her so that they understand what real courage is. He calls her ‘the bravest person I ever knew’. After, Atticus defines what real courage is when he says ‘You know you are licked before you begin but you carry on anyway’. He proves this with the case of Tom Robinson. Bob Ewell has no courage and takes revenge on Atticus after the trial by attacking his children, even in the darkness.

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In the story, Mr. Underwood didn’t talk about miscarriages of justice, he was writing so children could understand. Mr. Underwood simply figured it was a sin to kill cripples, be they stand, sitting, or escaping. He allied Tom’s death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children, and Maycomb thought he was trying to write an editorial poetical enough to be reprinted in The Montgomery Advertiser.

The setting is the fictional southern town called Maycomb. The town is divided like a hierarchy and the Finches are surprisingly well off. The Cunningham’s are below with the Ewell’s ...

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