Was Lady Macbeth a fiend like Queen?

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Was Lady Macbeth a fiend like Queen?

Lady Macbeth is a “fiend like Queen”.

This quote comes from the end of the play, after Macduff brings in the severed head of Macbeth. Before I can analyse the quote I need to first find the definition of ‘fiend.’ The word fiend according to the Oxford Dictionary means “The Devil; evil spirit; person of superhuman wickedness”.

The play of Macbeth is set in Scotland and it was written by Shakespeare in the middle ages. This was a time when Men had more rights than women and women were probably considered as second class to the men. Women were often accused of witchcraft for doing things that nowadays would be quite normal for a woman to do. A woman who showed their full potential was said to be unnatural and Macbeth is a play in which things being unnatural is a main theme. Lady Macbeth wanted to have power and this would have been seen as being unnatural and evil in the times that the play was written. Fear of witchcraft and supernatural were very big especially in Scotland, which as I said is where Macbeth is set, this could be why Malcolm calls Lady Macbeth a fiend.

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Throughout the original play Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are disrupting the natural order of events, for example when they kill the King and Macbeth takes his place in it seen to be wrong to displace what was seen as the path made by God. This disrupting of order could be why Lady Macbeth eventually breaks down in this particular scene as she is being punished by God for the evil that she has committed.

In Act 5 Scene 1 Lady Macbeth is confused and she remembers words and events from earlier on in the play. She is seen as a ...

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