We are told that " Maycomb County.... had nothing to fear but fear itself" Fear is an important force in the novel. Discuss how it is explored by Harper Lee.

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Rita Bulusu 10 Bruce

We are told that “ Maycomb County…. had nothing to fear but fear itself” Fear is an important force in the novel. Discuss how it is explored by Harper Lee.


    Fear is an important force in the novel because it is the cause of most people’s action. The main theme in the book is a result of fear such as the Tom Robinson case and Boo Radley. Ignorance breeds fear which in turn breeds prejudice. Fear is infectious, and each character in the book is affected by other people’s fear. Hence, the people in Southern town are always afraid.

   Lee is able to explore fear in the novel most effectively by seeing how individual characters are affected by it. In Particular, Mayella Ewell is influenced and manipulated a lot which is shown by the fact she accuses Tom. The underlying reason for the Tom Robinson case going to trial is that Mayella Ewell is afraid of being

“hounded from [their] midst as being unfit to live with.” Mayella is forced to put an innocent man in prison because she wants to put the “ evidence of her crime away form her” and save herself from another punishment. She has reason to be afraid, as Atticus implies she was “ savagely beaten” by Bob Ewell. Therefore not only does she fear being driven out of society but also fears physical abuse.

    Her fear is passed on to her by her father, Bob Ewell, who sees himself to be a “respectable white man.” He signs the warrant because he fears that he might lose the respect of the community if they were to find out that his daughter had “ kissed a black man.” He also fears to lose his reputation and so he takes out his anger on his daughter by abusing her. This anger is a result of his prejudice. He was angry with his daughter for kissing a black man because he “hates and despises coloured-folks.” This hatred is born from living close to them and his ego constantly makes him appear higher than the black community. He fears that the race barriers will be broken down and people will see him as the “ trash “ at the bottom of the pile. It is fear beneath his anger and prejudice that makes him behave the way he does. Lee shows that people deal with fear in different ways.

   The jury at Tom’s trial is not courageous enough as they are unable to do the right thing because they fear they would probably be lynched or cast out of society. They are afraid of being at odds from the community because it would not accept it and hence may be targeted just as Bob Ewell held a grudge and swore to get “ revenge” on Atticus. Atticus is an example of the danger one could be in for being different. He is in danger of being lynched and threatened by Bob Ewell, and his children are attacked because he stands up for what he believes in. This is why the jury is not able to acquit Tom in spite of knowing he is innocent because they are afraid of being in direct conflict with the people of Maycomb. Furthermore, they are prejudiced against Black people, which in effect means that they fear blacks because they believe that “all Negro men are basically immoral.” This same reason is why all the white women in the audience fear black men because they thought,  “ all Negro men are not to be trusted around [white] women.” Some people are not willing to do right by serving on a jury because they fear public opinion. For instance, a shop owner such as Link Deas would not want to lose business by sitting on a jury in a dispute between two customers. This suggests that it was a difficult time and the depression gives people a lot to fear. Mr Link Deas fears the loss of business, which is more precious to him.

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    Mayella Ewell accuses the men of not being proper gentlemen; this is another reason why the jury is afraid to do anything else but send him to prison. They are afraid to tarnish a lady’s reputation. Thus, Lee is able to show that even in a place where all men should be treated equally it is people’s fears that cloud their decision.

    Tom is also feared because they don’t understand him, they have the preconceptions that “ all Negroes are immoral.” However, when the jury discover that he did things out of the kindness of ...

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