We are told that Tennyson wrote 'Light Brigade' in a few minutes after reading the description in The Times of the Battle of Balaclava in 1854.

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We are told that Tennyson wrote ‘Light Brigade´ in a few minutes after reading the description in The Times of the Battle of Balaclava in 1854. He was a civilian poet, His poem ‘Light Brigade´ increased the morale of the British soldiers fighting in the Crimean War and of the people at home, but Tennyson had not been an eyewitness to the battle he describes.

Tennyson´s poem is a celebration of the bravery of the six hundred British troops who went into battle against all odds, even though they knew that they would be killed. The poem starts in the middle of the action. ‘Light Brigade´ is written in dactylic feet (one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables) and this gives a sense of the excitement of the galloping horses in the cavalry charge:
‘Half a league, half a league
Half a league onward´
Tennyson creates a vivid impression of the bravery of the soldiers with many ‘verbs of action:
‘Flash'd all their sabres bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd in air,
Sabring the gunners there´
The heroic command in stanza 1, which is repeated for effect in stanza 2, sweeps the reader along without time to question the futility of the gesture:
‘Forward, the Light Brigade!
‘Charge for the guns!´
He uses noble sounding euphemisms like ‘the valley of Death´, ‘the jaws of Death´, ‘the mouth of Hell to describe the fate that awaits these men. He does not convey the gory reality of the slaughter.

Tennyson creates a feeling of exhilaration, of the nobility of warfare with his use of poetic devices, such as rhetorical repetition:
‘Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them´,
and alliteration:
‘Stormed at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell´
Tennyson celebrates the ideal of unquestioning obedience of the soldiers in the face of death:
‘Their's not to make reply,
Their's not to reason why,
Their's but to do and die´
In the final stanza Tennyson creates a sense of the immortality of the soldiers´ bravery with a rhetorical question and commands:
‘When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made! …
Honor the charge they made,
Honor the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred!´
The repetition of ‘the six hundred´ at the end of each stanza reminds the reader of the enormous loss of life, but at the end of the poem they have become the ‘Noble six hundred´ and are celebrated as heroes.

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Tennyson uses a lot of repetition in his poem, as he tries to pass out his message about how noble these soldiers are and how they should be recognised for their bravery. Honour the light brigade, noble six hundred. Sassoon doesn’t use repetition of this format. His repetition is about the living conditions soldiers live through; the reason being is partly because he lived in the trenches, being a war poet he stayed in the trenches for a considerably long time.

During 1854, war broke out between the Allies, Britain and France, and Russia. This was ...

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