"We don't live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other." Using three or more characters, show what you think Priestley was trying to achieve in his play. An Inspector Calls.

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“We don’t live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other.”

Using three or more characters, show what you think Priestley was trying to achieve in his play. An Inspector Calls.

This play “An Inspector Calls” is meant to be seen in front of a live audience. In the play you hear a lot of doors slamming shut as characters go off angrily. It also shows how a so called ‘respectable’ middle class family is taken from a scene of enjoyment to one of anger and division by one man in such a short amount of time. The man who causes all of this anger is the Inspector, Inspector Goole.

Priestly was trying to show the difference between the rich and the poor. He showed us this by showing us the privileged world of the Birlings, which can be seen in the stage direction. “The Dining room of a fairly large suburban house, belonging to a prosperous manufacturer. It has good solid furniture.” And the world of poverty “that in fact she hadn’t a penny and was going to be turned out of the miserable back room she had.”

The setting of the play is 1912 because it was a time of three classes: Working class, Middle class and Upper class. The Upper class only liked the Middle class because they have money but don’t like the working class because they have no money. The Middle class only liked the Upper class because they give them respect, and the Working class hated both the Middle class and the Upper class. In 1912 it was a time where the middle class thought that the future looked pleasing because their way of life was fine, the Titanic was setting sail and it was to be the safest ship to travel on, and also that there were going to be no wars just peace. But it turns out that the Titanic sinks after four days on the sea and there is a war, World War 1.

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“And I say there isn’t a chance of war… the Titanic she sails next week- forty- six thousand eight hundred tons- New York in five days- and every luxury- and unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable.” But for the Working class it looked very unfortunate because they had nothing, so they thought that life was going to be like this time for the rest of eternity.

Another point that Priestly was trying to show was the difference between socialism and capitalism because in 1912 there were two groups of people the ‘socialists’ and the ‘capitalists’. The socialist in this play was the Inspector ...

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