What can be done to reduce bullying in schools?

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Topic: What can be done to reduce bullying in schools?

In recent years, bullying has been a hot issue in local press, drawing the attention of the educational sector and community. The problem of bullying is particularly serious in schools, posing a substantial hazard to the psychological development of students. In view of the rising problem of bullying, education authorities endeavour to find out the tackling strategies. This essay attempts to outline the causes and consequences of bullying in schools, as well as examining the panacea for these problems.

To begin with, school bullying may be in different ways that vary with the age and gender of the bully, including physical attack, seizure or verbal abuse. In general, it occurs where there is an imbalanced power among students. Also, school bullying is not a single incident – it takes place over a period of time. On the other hand, the consequences of school bullying reach alarming proportions. For example, it leads to great unhappiness, and in extreme cases even to suicide.

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According to psychologists, there are numerous causes of school bullying. Firstly, bullies are often victims of bullies themselves. In order to compensate for the past, they put down the others to feel better about themselves. Secondly, some bullies explode over trivialities because they lack compassion, impulse control and mature social skills. Thirdly, a large percentage of the bully lacks proper parental care during childhood so they become rebellious when they grow up.

What can be done to reduce bullying in schools? In my opinion, both parents and school authorities are responsible for alleviating the problem of bullying at ...

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