What contribution does Curley's wife make to the novel?

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Brandon. Ariathas 10.D4                  

What contribution does Curley’s wife make to the novel?

In the novel Curley’s wife is the only female character and she is presented in many various ways. At first impression, she comes across as the seductive, troublemaker the ranchers see her as. However, as the story progresses, we learn that this is only one of many sides to a very lonely woman. The reader’s sympathy for this character also changes throughout the novel, as her secrets are revealed and the real Curley's Wife is found. Curley’s wife is also the only character in the novel without a name and this shows her lack of identity and the lack of power. Curley treats his wife as a possession and we never learn her name in the novel. Her namelessness also reinforces how insignificant she is on the ranch and how little she is respected by the others.

  Candy first introduces Curley’s wife when he says that Curley is keeping his hand soft for her. Candy means that Curley’s hands are tied to sex and violence. He fights with one hand and keeps the other hand soft. She is described as pretty but Candy says that “she’s got the eye”, meaning that she is flirting with other people. Candy also says that she’s got the eye on Slim and Carlson. Candy also at the end says that Curley’s married…a tart. This means that she is a flirtatious woman who goes out with men. Her first appearance is in Chapter 2, she is described as “rouged lips, wide-spaced eyes, heavily made up, red fingernails, hair hung in rolled clusters, wearing a cotton housedress and shoes with red ostrich feathers.” The author, John Steinbeck, describes her appearance and this shows her personality that she is out of place, because everyone around her works, this also shows her character and she is attractive. Like many young girls who still have bright future, Curley’s wife still holds some small hope of a better life, claiming that she had the chance to become a movie star in Hollywood. This is shown when she was having a conversation with Lennie in the barn, she says ‘Coulda been in the movies and had nice clothes, coulda sat in them big hotels’. This shows that Curley’s wife has dreamt for many years seeing herself as a potential film-star. She was tricked by a man at saying that she was a natural and that he put her into the movies. He said that he would write back however she never received that letter and her naiveté shows in her belief that her mother has stolen a letter (from her ‘contact’ in Hollywood) which was obviously never written; her immaturity appears in her instant reaction of marrying the loathsome Curley.  Curley’s wife’s appearance is really her only weapon because her attractiveness is of little use with such a jealous husband. Curley gets jealous when his wife is around other men from the ranch because he wants to be the only man who she likes.

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  Curley wife seems to hate Curley already, just after two weeks of marriage because she is left alone most of the time, isolated and depressed. Curley’s wife is an outsider because she is the only woman, has no role on the ranch. She is always outside looking in; she also can’t make friends with anyone because of Curley. If she did make friends with anyone she would have got told off. Men from the ranch avoid her because they fear Curley might do something to them; they all think that she causes trouble. There is no evidence that she ...

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