What does weight represent literally and figuratively in Tim O Briens The Things They Carried?

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What does weight represent literally and figuratively in Tim O’ Brien’s “The Things They Carried”?

Thesis Statement:

Tim O’ Brien used weight to vary each soldiers’ responsibility and status both literally and figuratively.

Basic Outline:

Introduction: State my thesis statement, have about three arguments to support my thesis. Explain briefly how Tim O’ Brien used weight to vary each soldier’s responsibility and status. Explain literally first then figuratively. Briefly introduce the three arguments.

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Body Paragraph 1: First argument and use quotes and example to support the argument.

Body Paragraph 2: Second argument using quotes and example to support argument.

Body Paragraph 3: Third argument and include quotes and example to support argument.

Conclusion: Summarize all three arguments and explain why it shows that weight in this story varies each soldier’s responsibility and status in the platoon. Explain literally first then figuratively. State the thesis again to conclude the arguments, no new ideas would be contributed here so it won’t confuse readers.

Body Paragraph:

Tim O’ Brien had ...

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