What is Macbeth a Hero or a Villain?

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              What is Macbeth a Hero or a Villain?

Throughout Macbeth, William Shakespeare gives his leading character a transformation from a hero into a villain.  The story of Macbeth takes place in Scotland in the 11th century. Macbeth is a Scottish general.  Macbeth’s attributes cannot be kept constant as Macbeth interacts with the three witches.  From this point onwards we realize that Macbeth’s physical courage is accompanied by ambition and self-doubt. These three attributes bravery, ambition, and self-doubt struggle for mastery of Macbeth throughout the play.

Our initial impression of Macbeth is a brave and competent warrior, through the captions of the Battlefield.  Retuning from the victory battleship against the Norwegians, an army sergeant describes Macbeth’s action in the battleship; “For brave Macbeth” (I, 2, 16) and his bravery recognized by the king showing by this quote; “worthy gentlemen” (I, 2, 24), indicating Macbeth’s bravery and great honour of the King of Scotland, King Duncan.  

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The first murder that Macbeth commits is that of King Duncan. His murder was inspired from the witches who are referred to as the "weird sisters" by many other of the characters. There mischief’s come up from their supernatural powers, but it mainly seems the result of their understanding of the weaknesses of their specific interlocutors, which they mainly play upon Macbeth. The first time When Macbeth interacts with the witches is when was riding back, being accompanied by Banquo. The Witches greet Macbeth as the Thane of Glamis “All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis” (I, ...

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