Whats your superhero power? Tim asked inquisitively. Anne didnt know what on earth Tim was talking about. What are you talking about?

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When Anne Munroe was seven years old she was already on her death bed. She had a fatal disease called H-N24. She was not able to move and she only had a few weeks of life left. Members of her family and friends all paid their last respects. However, a few days before she was expected to die a professor, that was developing a new drug for this disease, offered the family some hope. The family accepted to use this new drug as this was the only hope of rescuing their daughter.

Anne was taken to the hospital where the experiment would take place she was joined with another child. His name was Tim Osiris and also had the same degenerative disease. The professor, called Dr. Kymoto, injected the suffering patients with a serum created in his underground laboratory. Initially the drug did not seem to work however, a few days later Anne woke from a deep sleep to find the boy who she had met at the hospital next to her. She heard her mother's voice,

"It's worked! Tim has recovered; do you remember him from the other day?"

"Yes...Hi Tim" Anne whispered.

"Wonderful, you can finally speak; I thought I had lost you." Anne's mother said energetically.

Anne could now continue her life the way she never thought she would again.

"I'll let you talk to Tim I'm sure you would like to chat to him" Said Anne's mum.

Tim and Anne were talking together about their hobbies; playing football, playing tag and many other games children enjoy. However after about 5 minutes a strange topic was brought up.

"What's your superhero power?" Tim asked inquisitively.

Anne didn't know what on earth Tim was talking about. "What are you talking about?"

"Well I can fly, what can you do?" Anne still didn't understand.

"Well I don't know... em... how do you get them?" Anne asked

"I woke up with it I went out to the park yesterday and it just sort of happened. I was flying around everywhere." Tim explained.

"Did anyone see you?" Anne asked worryingly.

"I don't think so"

"Good you can't tell anyone, not even your mum" Anne knew you couldn't tell anyone because she had read superhero comics and those heroes never reveal their secret identities.

Anne was trying for weeks to get her powers but she had no luck. She tried flying, pushing heavy things and even firing beams out of her eyes. She thought she would never get her powers. However, one day when Anne was in the shower getting ready for school she found out that she really was a super-hero after all. Anne was able to turn her body into liquid.
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In the next few months Anne met up with Tim and they would try out their powers. Anne learnt how to do different things like change her body into water animals and grow bigger than she really was. On the other hand, all that Tim could do was fly around in the sky. Tim was secretly jealous of Anne and wanted to be better than her. He would do anything.


Anne and Tim were now both 21 years of age and decided that they would now start to save people and become superheroes. ...

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