Which character in To Kill A Mockingbird do you find most interesting?

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Which character in To Kill A Mockingbird do you find most interesting?

The character I find most interesting in To Kill A Mockingbird is Mrs Henry Lafayette Dubose. She is very much different to the other characters in the book, and the children, Scout and Jem, seem to have the impression that she is ‘vicious’, and Scout openly says, ‘Jem and I hated her.’

We can see many examples as to why the children dislike her so much. She has told them that they are ‘the sassiest, most disrespectful mutts whoever passed her way’. She constantly insults them and their father, Atticus, on the way he lets the ‘children run wild’. Jem has constantly been told by Atticus to ‘hold your head high and be a gentleman.’ and Jem can usually do this. However on one occasion, Mrs Dubose hits a nerve in what she says to the children.

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She openly insults Atticus, who is always very polite to everyone including Mrs Dubose, in the presence of his children. ‘“Not only a Finch waiting on tables but one in the courthouse lawing for niggers…Your father’s no better that the niggers and trash he works for!”’ This greatly angered Jem, who later on in the day ‘cut the tops off every camellia bush Mrs Dubose owned’.

For his punishment, Jem was made to go and read to Mrs Dubose. During this time, she would correct him on the mistakes he made, and I think this shows that ...

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