Who is to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet?

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Coursework: Romeo & Juliet


      In this essay I will be investigating on who is to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet. I will investigate on all the main characters and give my reasons on why they are to blame; I will prove this by using quotes from the play and backing them up by using evidence. I will also investigate on what role fate plays in tragedy.



After being rejected by Rosaline, Romeo was confused and when he met Juliet, he was desperate for a relationship because he desired to be loved by someone.

“Out of her favour where I am in love.”

This quotation tells me that Rosaline does not love Romeo, but Romeo is still in love with her.

Romeo and Juliet were both young and inexperienced, out of desperation, Romeo jumped too quickly at the idea of jetting married to Juliet, he couldn’t wait and he rushed it with out any thoughts. This was undoubtedly a cause of future problems and a significant reason for the later tragedy.

By going to the Capulet’s party, the enemies of Romeos family, without an invitation Romeo provoked Tybalt, which inevitably led to a fight. There can be no surprise that this will lead to trouble.

However Romeo did not want to fight Tybalt, so for the honour of Romeo, Mercutio decided he should fight in absence of Romeo, which led to Mercutio’s death.

“O Romeo, Romeo, brave Mercutio’s dead.”

The quotation above was told to Romeo when Mercutio died after the fight with Tybalt.

After the death of Mercutio, Romeo was emotionally unstable and he had his mind set on revenge against Tybalt.

“ This shall determine that.”

After Romeo said the quotation above to Tybalt, they both have a fight and Romeo kills Tybalt.

Romeo rushed the relationship between him and Juliet when he saw her for the first time in the party that he was not invited to.

“O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do.”

The quotation above tells me that Romeo rushed into a relationship with Juliet without knowing her, the first time he saw her.

When Romeo was thinking that he was better off dead, he wanted to commit suicide and surely committing suicide was totally irrational. This is an ultimate act of stupidity and recklessness. In the end he brought about the tragedy to himself.

Romeo’s personality was too intense, he was serious about everything, and especially about marrying Juliet, when he has his heart set on something he does not use his mind. He did not even think about the consequences of his actions, also how he would affect the relationship between him and his family, and Juliet and her family.

Throughout the play Romeo acted without thinking, many of his mistakes were made because of this, and this eventually led to his and Juliet death. These are my reasons why I think it was Romeos fault for his and Juliet’s death.


Juliet was also to blame because she suggested to get married too soon, when her and Romeo were not ready for it.

“And I will no longer be a Capulet.”

Juliet said this to Romeo; she was willing to get married to Romeo and be no longer a Capulet, but a Montague. She was so deeply in love and committed to Romeo that she was willing sacrifice anything, even her loyalty to her family.

Juliet wanted everything her own way, this was because she was a brat, she was impatient and she wanted everything straight away.

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Juliet was being ungrateful to her parent’s; she betrayed their trust by wanting to marry Romeo, without her parent’s approval. This shows that Juliet is selfish and does not obey her parent’s wishes.  She did not care about her parent’s wishes, that she should get married to Paris, who was a wealthy respected man who could provide for her and her family in the future.

“I will not marry yet; and when I do, I swear it shall be Romeo.”

Juliet said this to her mother telling her that she will not marry yet to Paris, but when she does ...

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