Why is Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet an effective piece of drama?

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Essay question - Why is Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and                                                                                              Juliet an effective piece of drama?

I believe that Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet is an effective piece of drama because of many factors.  In this essay I propose to describe ways in which; themes, characterisation and motives, structure, dramatic devices, language, and key speeches help to make this scene an effective piece of drama.

There are many themes used in this scene that capture the audience’s attention and help them understand what the play is all about.  These themes are brought out and made obvious by the words and actions of the characters.

There are many different themes in this one act, these include; marriage, love, parents and children, enmity, premonition, chance/fate, and light vs. dark.  

Marriage is a quite important theme in this scene because this is the scene where Juliet is to meet the man that her parents want her to marry, and the man that she will actually marry.

Capulet reassures his cousin that it was only 25 years since they were in masques – “tis since the nuptual of lucentio”, he marks the last date that they were in masques by using a wedding.  This shows us that marriage was a very important part of peoples’ lives in those times and was an occasion that formed the status of both sides of the two families.

When Romeo asks the nurse who Juliet is she tells him that the person who marries her ”shall have the chinks”, meaning that they will become very wealthy.  It was considered foolish to marry for love, people had arranged marriages so that their families could pay off debts or get a better status in society.  Love was not an issue.

The theme of love is extremely important, as it is the basis to the whole meaning of this play. There are four different types of love used as themes; true love, dutiful ‘love’, sexual love, and love as a religion.

The theme of true love is used when Romeo first sees Juliet; he uses a sonnet to describe her beauty and the way he feels about her.  He says that he “ne’er saw true beauty until this night”, he feels as if all the other women he has seen in his life were nothing compared to the way she looked.  This shows love at first sight and the way that it has affected Romeo’s perspective on other women.  Rosaline is dismissed as an infatuation.  Romeo, who vowed his love to Rosaline, now believes that his eyes tell him he was not in love before he had seen Juliet.

The theme of dutiful ‘love’ is shown mostly between those people who are obligated to show love for each other because of status.  Capulet speaks to Tybalt to calm him; he says, “Content thee, gentle coz”.  This shows compassion and dutiful ‘love’, an obligated love between family members, it shows care and respect between the two characters.

The nurse describes Lady Capulet as “the lady of the house, and a good lady, and a wise and virtuous”.  The nurse is obligated to say this because of her status, she cannot speak ill of her employees because they provide for her.  She must compliment Lady Capulet because she is of higher status than her, even if she doesn’t believe this is a true description.

When Romeo and Juliet meet alone the theme of sexual love is revealed.  Romeo persuades Juliet to kiss her, she is unsure but Romeo assures her that he could smooth the rough touch of his hand “with a gentle kiss”.  They kiss and passion is shown when Romeo insists, “Give me my sin again”, he enjoys being close to Juliet and touching her showing a strong theme of sexual attraction as well as true love.

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Loves as a religion is also used in the passage where the two lovers are alone; they make many references to religion and compare their meeting to a pilgrim searching for a saint.  This theme is shown visually by the costumes worn in the Lurhman film, as Juliet is dressed as an angel and Romeo as a knight, the modern equivalent of the pilgrim and saint.  

Juliet reminds Romeo that they should both be devoted to their religion and God; she comments that their lips should not be used for kissing but “in prayer”.  This shows that ...

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