With references to four characters of your choice, discuss the various ways the theme of love is portrayed in 'Twelfth Night'.

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Nicola Russell



Nicola Russell



GCSE English, Reading, Response to Shakespeare.

With references to four characters of your choice, discuss the various ways the theme of love is portrayed in ‘Twelfth Night’.

In this essay I will be discussing the various kinds of love between the characters in ‘Twelfth Night’.  There are different kinds of love throughout the play: romantic or true love; platonic love; love at first sight; and unrequited love.  Twelfth Night is a play about a woman called Viola, who is shipwrecked and parted from her brother Sebastian.  Viola disguises herself as a man called ‘Cesario’ because woman found it hard to get work

        Love and marriage were different in the Elizabethan era compared to today because people used messengers to woo people.  If you were rich you would send one of your servants to woo your lover.  The four characters I am going to focus on are Orsino, Olivia, Viola and Sebastian, as they are all in love.  

        Orsino, the duke, is very rich and lovesick.  Orsino is the first person to appear in Act 1 Scene 1.  The first scene is at Orsino’s house.  He is mentioned in the play when Viola says he is a nice man, but you find out he is selfish.  Orsino is lovesick over Lady Olivia.  The love that Orsino has for Olivia is unrequited love.


‘If music be the food of love, play on;

Give me excess of it.’

The duke himself says this, to Curio and it is about Olivia.  It shows that he is lovesick over her.  The duke, Orsino, describes his love a few times.

‘For such as I am,

all true lovers are unstaid and skittish

in all motions else

save in the contant image of the creature that is beloved.’

He needs a messenger to go and woo her.  He asks Cesario (Viola) to be his messenger, thereforeshe has to go to Olivia’s house and woo her.  Orsino tells Cesario that ‘he’ has got to wait at Olivia’s house until ‘he’ is allowed in.  Olivia won’t let him in because she is in mourning.  When she does eventually let Viola in, she finds out Olivia does not love Orsino as a lover or as a friend.  Orsino says he loves Olivia for her beauty not her wealth.  Orsino is always expressing his love, affection and his emotion towards Olivia.

‘Tell her, my love, more noble than the world,

Prizes not quantity of dirty lands;’

This shows that he thinks he loves Olivia very much.  The love for Olivia is too strong and it will take a long time for him to give up.

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‘My love can give no place, bide no denay.’

It shows that there is no one else for him to love apart from Olivia.  Viola is his messenger so she will know how much he wants Olivia to love him.

‘In faith, they are as true of heart as we.’

Viola says this to the duke, Orsino.  She is telling him that women can love as much as men.  Orsino does not think that women can love as much as men.  He says that love for men is strong passions and love for women is ...

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