Write a conversation between a director and the actress playing Juliet discussing how should act in Act 3 Scene 5

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Write a conversation between a director and the actress playing Juliet discussing how should act in Act 3 Scene 5

Director: This scene begins with Romeo leaving after he and Juliet have spent their wedding night together. Juliet is in mixed emotions as the scene begins because she is longing for Romeo to stay with her. She is distressed because she knows that she will have to wait a long time before she can see Romeo again but she is also very blissful because of the night the two of them have just had together. In her first line “Wilt thou be gone? It is not yet near day” she will be trying to convince Romeo to stay in bed for a little while longer because she is so happy that she is spending this time with him. You should speak thee lines with a persuasive tone almost in quite a sexual way to see if that will encourage Romeo to stay a little bit longer. However, when Romeo is persuaded and talks about how he would stay with her until her father killed him, Juliet turns back to her practical ways and says that it is time for him to leave. I think you should say lines 26-35 in a dull tone as if wishing that you did not have to say it.

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Juliet: OK. How shall react when the nurse is calling me away from Romeo?

Director: Juliet will be slightly frantic to see as much of Romeo as can she can in the last few seconds they have with each other. You should be quite careless about people seeing him but she always resorts back to her mature side and realises that they cannot take risks.         

Juliet: When I first see my mother after Romeo has left am I in despair?

Director: Yes. You have just lost the love of your life and there maybe a long wait until you can see each other ...

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