Write about the different kinds of prejudice in “To Kill a Mockingbird” and the injustices to which they give rise.

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“To Kill a Mockingbird” Coursework

Write about the different kinds of prejudice in “To Kill a Mockingbird” and the injustices to which they give rise.

“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee is a novel set in the early 1930s in a fictional town called Maycomb.  This town was supposed to be situated in Alabama but could represent any one of the small southern towns in the USA around that time.  The book is written from the viewpoint of Scout, a five-year-old girl.

Prejudice is an “opinion formed without taking the time or care to judge fairly.”  This opinion may be favourable or unfavourable and is held without regard to the available evidence.  A prejudiced person might believe that all individuals of a certain age, colour, ethnic group, religion or sex are lazy, violent, stupid, or greedy.  During the time in which the book was set many different forms of prejudice were considered to be “normal”.  Some of these prejudices, such as racial prejudice, are still common in today’s society whereas others are still held by a minority of people only, such as prejudice against those who are atheistic.  An injustice is “the violation or denial of justice.” Prejudice is unjust because the opinion is usually formed about a whole group of people, regardless of personal merit.  

The most prominent form of prejudice depicted in “To Kill a Mockingbird” was shown towards Negroes by most of the “white folk”.  Only a small minority of the white people treated the Negroes with the respect each individual deserved. One of these people was Atticus Finch, Scout’s father.  He treated Calpurnia, the Finch’s cook and maid as “one of the family” and believed that “anything fit to be said at this table is fit to be said in front of Cal.”  From an early age the children in Maycomb were subjected to this prejudice as was shown when the children at Scout’s school taunted her by calling Atticus a “Nigger-lover”.  Apartheid, separate facilities for Negroes and white people, increased racial prejudice towards the Black community because the facilities provided for the White community were superior to those intended for use by the Negroes.  For instance, the white community had a church with the sole-purpose of worshipping, whereas the Negroes’ church, “First Purchase” was used by the White Community for gambling during the week.  There were also separate seats in the courthouse for whites and Negroes.  There were many other racist rules at that time, which were not mentioned in the novel.  For example, when on a bus a Negro had to give up his seat if a white person required it.  I think it is unjust that all those living in the “nest of Negroes” were considered inferior when it was only in the Negroes’ church that any real sense of Christian values and compassion was shown.      

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The main theme of the novel is Tom Robinson’s court case.  Tom Robinson was, as all other Negroes in the novel, hard working and respectable but not respected by most of the white people.  Although the evidence clearly proved him innocent of any crime towards Mayella Ewell the prejudices of the majority of the Maycomb citizens caused him to be unjustly found guilty.  The evidence Bob and Mayella Ewell gave against him was weak and relied only on the “evil assumption” that “all Negroes lie”.  This implied that all Negroes were considered to be bad before their true character ...

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