Youth is wasted on the Young Debate

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‘Youth is a gift of nature, but age is a work of art.’ (Stanislaw Lec) Is youth really wasted on the young – or is this proverb inspired by a desperation to be young again? Heard from all around the world, this short, blunt statement is aimed not just to criticize but also to express regret, sorrow and disappointment. It is muttered from the street corners as one more youth is seen with that distant look in their eyes, head bent, playing on the latest gadget. They walk mindlessly to a destination not known to them. Their concentration is unwavering, their eyes rarely blinking. If only they were like this in school!

Another person walks past and, seeing the youth, utters the line heard so often now, ‘Youth is wasted on the young.’ Those critics forget the learning, the experiences and the opportunities they neglected or misused in their youth so that they are living the life they do now. Perhaps the older members look at the life and energy possessed by the youths and enviously wish for even the smallest fraction of that energy? They grow irritated at their physical limitations for inside their slowly decaying bodies lie sharp minds, eager once more for the excitement of youth and the freedom the young have. They want to experience the wonder and constant surprises. They want to experience the learning and opportunity. They want to experience youth again but not as a youth but with the years of experience youth has built for them.

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Good afternoon Ms. O’Sullivan and 9.7 English. I have no doubt that many, if not all, of you have heard the line, ‘Youth is wasted on the young.’ It is spoken so often that it has become a proverb. It is spoken now with little meaning, only the wistful longing of men and women wishing, hoping to taste the freedom of youth again. Youth is a time of learning and experience. Youth is a time of innocence and naivety. It is natural that as one gains more knowledge and wisdom, the youth fades away and one loses their innocence. ...

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