Daycare has become a major issue over recent years. Some people believe that daycare can be bad for the child while others will disagree and say that the child needs daycare. Discuss.

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Day Care

Daycare has become a major issue over recent years. Some people believe that daycare can be bad for the child while others will disagree and say that the child needs daycare.

Bowlby believed that separation from the mother during the first few years of a child’s life could lead to serious and permanent consequences in later life, these may include mental subnormality, delinquency, depression, dwarfism and affectionless psychopathy. If the separation happens in the first year then the attachment may not by “the mother-child relationship”. A successful bond should be made with the mother when the child is born. Freud believed that successful bonds are made when feeding practices satisfy the child’s need for food, oral pleasure and oral sexual gratification. Breast-feeding is meant to make a more secure attachment to the mother. Behaviourists view of attachment is that the child becomes attached to those who satisfy their physiological needs. Whenever the caregiver is around the child should feel security and safe. Both views support the idea that attachment accounts for “the cupboard love” theory.

Bowlby believed that the successful bond had to be with the mother but others disagreed with this. Parke(1981) stated that “Both mother and father are important attachment objects for their infants but the circumstances that lead to selecting mum or dad may differ”. Fathers may not be a poor substitute to mothers. Mothers and fathers both contribute to the child’s bringing up but in different ways.

Schaffer and Emerson (1964) studied sixty Scottish infants every 4 weeks through their first year and then again at 18 months. The mothers reported if there was any protest against separation in seven everyday situations for example being left alone in a room or with a babysitter. Infants were clearly attached to people who didn’t perform care taking activities mainly the father. The person who fed and bathed the infant was not the infant’s primary attachment (mainly the mothers). This happened in 39% of cases. This study shows that the mother doesn’t always have to be the child’s main attachment. I agree with this as the mother may not provide the baby with care all the time and the father has a lot to do in the family as well, so the child might be closer attached to the father.

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Attachments may be interferred with, through the first year of life by daycare. Nowadays daycare is an important issue, as many people have become aware of the causes it can lead to. Scarr (1998) according to Scarr, daycare involves a lot of different types of non-maternal care of children who live with their parent(s) or close relatives. Which excludes foster care and institutional (residential) care for example crèches, nurseries, childminders, nannies, and non-resident grand parents (in home). Scarr thought daycare observes special attention because it is non-normative. Scarr believed that the mother should look after the child like Bowlby’s ...

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