Cold War: Divisions of Europe by 1949

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Social Studies Essay Question

“From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent.“ By 1949, Europe had been divided into communist and non-communist ‘blocs’. It may be argued that the predominant cause of this division was the Berlin Airlift crisis. However, there are multiple causes to take into account, in particular Soviet expansion into Eastern Europe and the Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan of 1947. These factors built up tension, resulting in the definite divisions of Europe by 1949.

In many regards the roots of Europe’s divisions lay in the Soviet expansion into Eastern Europe. “We want friendly sates around us.” This was Stalin’s motive for Soviet expansion into Europe. He believed that in order to achieve his ‘buffer zone’ the surrounding governments were to become communist. The USSR used the Red Army to execute their communist takeover. At the Yalta conference Stalin promised free and fair elections in all countries the USSR occupied. However, through intimidation and ‘rigged’ campaigns, communists took control of all governments in Eastern Europe by 1949. This major transformation of governments became the roots of tension between the superpowers, leading to the divisions of Europe.

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In March 1946, a very important speech was delivered by Winston Churchill, vocalising the beliefs of Britain and the USA on what was occurring in Eastern Europe. Churchill’s speech was directed at the USA, to ‘wake’ them from their policy of “Isolationism”. He stated his opposition to the formation of communist governments in all of Eastern Europe, stating that, “The Communist Parties…are seeking everywhere to obtain totalitarian control.” Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech was the first vocalised statement discussing the imminent divisions of Europe.

It can also be argued that a key factor leading to the divisions of ...

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