history coursework 2 - jews

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“From a study of Britain’s history it is possible to question the widespread vision of Britain as a country characterised by a spirit of toleration “

From your studies how far do you agree that Britain has been a tolerant nation?

Throughout the period 1880 to the present day there has been many questions asked as to whether Britain has been a tolerant nation. In this essay I am going to discuss many groups of immigrants who have migrated over to Britain and decide whether Britain actually has been tolerant or not.

The first group of immigrants I am going to talk about is the Jews (sources A and B) that migrated to Britain in-between the periods 1880 to the present day. There was around 150,000 Jews that set off from Russia to come to Britain, with the majority heading for the larger cities such as London, Manchester and Leeds. There became a massive case of overcrowding in these cities. At first the British people seemed to like the Jews as they were only taking up any spare jobs or houses and not really causing any harm to anyone, but as time went on and as more Jews started to pile into the country, Britain then became less and less tolerant of the Jews and started to charge many Jews high rents, also racism then started on the streets this led to Jews having to live in overcrowded places where there was atrocious public health. By this time even the Anglo-Jews were worried about what was going on around them, they were worried about how the Jews that had just come over from Russia might ruin their reputation which they had worked hard to build up with the British public. As time went on and the conditions that the Jews were having to live with were getting worse and worse there was a organisation set up called the Jewish board of Guardians, this was set up to help the poor Jews in Britain who were finding it hard to live in the conditions they were made to. After all this, Britain then stooped to its lowest point of toleration to these Jews when on the 4th of October 1936, Sir Owald Mosley and 2000 supporters of the British union of fascists (BUF) planned a march through the east end of London. Jewish trade unionists and communists organised a blockade of the route. AS the march began, the marcher’s route was blocked with barricades. Many of the Jewish trade union and communists were violently attacked by the police when they refused to move and let the BUF pass. Eventually the BUF had to abandon their march from the tower of London to Victoria Park in Hackney.  

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Seeing this happen the government had no choice but to respond, they did this by introducing the aliens act (1905) which was introduced to try and keep immigration levels down to a responsible amount. They started this law by sending many immigrants back on the ships that brought them here because they had failed to state things that were in this new law which allowed them to belong in this country. After this law was introduced the number of immigrants went back to the average 5000 a year that they had before the massive flow of immigrants.

Despite how Britain ...

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