how did aerial bombardment affect people of england and wales

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Essay: How Did Aerial Bombardment Affect the People of England & Wales?

Source B4 is written by Norman Lowe, and it tells us about the effect of the blitz on England & Wales.  It tells us that 60,000 people were killed and around 100,000 injured.  Morale was remarkably high and American journalists were shocked at how calm people were and how they tried to carry on as normal.  This source is quite reliable as it was written by a historian and he would have researched a lot in newspapers, intelligence reports, diaries etc.  He would’ve used these from the time so they should have been pretty reliable so this is a trustworthy source. But it was from a general book.  It tells us that London was bombed.

Source B5 is an intelligence report written by intelligence officers.  It tells us that the government were concerned that people were turning against the war.  It tells us also how Coventry city centre was bombed and almost completely destroyed and almost half the population left every night.  This source is very reliable as it was written by the government and was at the time.  However the source has it’s limitations as it only mentions one city.  B5 would be good for a historian researching the war as it is a home intelligence report, it is a good source because it’s written by an intelligence officer, and would only be seen by the government.  

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These two sources both agree and disagree as B4 says morale was high whereas B5 says morale was low morale was low, and they agree by saying people didn’t make a big fuss or complain about the war.  Both sources also mention Coventry, and they are both reliable as they both have lots of good information, but source B5 would have been more reliable as it’s an intelligence report.  The author of source B4 may have even used B5 for research.  So to conclude source B5 is more useful n my opinion, but B4 gives us more knowledge.


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