How far do these two accounts agree about Prohibition?

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How far do these two accounts agree about Prohibition?

Both Sources A and B are secondary Sources as they are both extracts from textbooks.  They were both published within the same decade of the 1970s.  Furthermore, although they faintly differ, both Sources point out causes for the establishment of prohibition and the consequences that it brought about.

A strong similarity between both Sources is the consequences that they state the ban of alcohol led to.  Source A states “It created the greatest criminal boom in American History, and perhaps in all modern history.”  This implies that Prohibition caused a vast increase in crimes unlike anything ever seen before.  Likewise Source B states “Gangsters like Dutch Schulz and Al Capone had turned the avoidance of Prohibition into big, violent business.” This suggests that some gangsters used the ban of alcohol in their own advantage as they began supplying it illegally, also implying a vast increase in crime.


However a difference between the two Sources is that Source A proposes a variety of causes for the establishment of prohibition such as “the bad influence of saloons,” “the wartime concern for preserving grain for food” and “the influence of the Anti-Salon League.” In contrast to these many propositions Source B only suggests one key cause “In a nation-wide campaign, led by the Anti-Saloon League, brought pressure to bear on congress to ban the use of grain for either distilling or brewing.” This suggests that the only cause for prohibition was the pressure and persuasion bought about by the Women’s Christian Temperance and Ant-Saloon League to the congress.  

Another faint corroboration between the sources is the suggestion that moral fervour was a factor contributing to the establishment of prohibition, this is displayed as Source A states “ Most important of all was the moral fervour inspired by the ‘War to Make the World Safe for Democracy’.” Likewise Source B states, “ The victory encouraged the supporters of the League to push for an Amendment.”

A further faint disparity between the Sources is that Source A states more opinion whereas Source B states more Facts.  This is displayed through Source A stating that prohibition “created the greatest criminal boom” whereas Source B goes into further detail to state the actual gangsters involved in this “criminal boom”.  This is displayed when it states “Gangsters like Dutch Schulz and Al Capone had turned the avoidance of Prohibition into a big, violent business.”

In conclusion I think that both accounts agree with Prohibition.  However I think that Source A agrees with it to a further extent.  I’m basing this idea on the fact that Source A states several apparent causes for the establishment of Prohibition whereas Source B only states one cause for the establishment of Prohibition.

Were the artists of these two posters for or against Prohibition?

Both of these Sources are primary Sources as they were both published during the time of Prohibition.  They were also both published in the same decade.

The heading of the poster in Source C is “The poor man’s club. The most expensive in the world to belong to” this suggests the idea that alcohol is too costly for people and while trying to afford it their families are being deprived of specific needs to survive and only a ban of alcohol can solve this problem.  This I similarly to Source D where the heading of this poster is “Daddy’s in There…..” suggesting that the children’s father spends all of his time at the saloon.  Furthermore not only is the father spending all of his time in the saloon he is also spending all of the money in there too.  

In Source C is a man handing over a bag of money labelled “weekly wages” to the barman.  This again suggests the expense of alcohol especially as below this man, there is a picture of his family at home.  They appear to be neglected and deprived of food.  This is strongly displayed through the empty plate on the table that the child is holding, the mother who has her head down on the table as she cries helplessly as she has no money to buy food for her hungry child and through the comment above them “…It keeps their families and their families always poor.” This implies the poverty that this family are always experiencing poverty because of the money wasted on alcohol.  Likewise Source D suggests the same thing by the appearance of the two children. They both look skinny and there clothes seem to be old and scruffy, we assume that this is because they cannot afford to buy new clothes or food, as they are clearly underfed. Therefore the artist is suggesting through this that the father is neglecting his children both emotionally and financially, which is awful and needs to come to an end hence prohibition.

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An additional piece of evidence that supports the idea of neglect and poverty in Source D is the phrase at the bottom of the poster, which reads “And our shoes and stockings and food are in the saloon too, and they’ll never come out.”  This appears to be the end of the heading.  However the father hasn’t really got all these items in the saloon with him, it’s almost metaphorically speaking as he actually has the money that was supposed to be spent on all of these things and he is spending it on alcohol.  This is extremely unfair ...

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