Was the treaty of Versailles too harsh on Germany?

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Victor Saad Was the treaty of Versailles to harsh on Germany? Yes, I think that the treaty of Versailles was too harsh on the Germans and would make the Germans have a desire for revenge. I think that the treaty could have been a bit softer, but on the other hand at that time the treaty couldn’t have been agreed in any other way. When the treaty of Versailles was agreed it had blamed Germany as the country who lost and started the war and there for had to be punished severely. But for the Germans they did not think they were the ones who started the war and nor did they think they had lost the war. The
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Germans went to the treaty of Versailles expecting to be treated as equals but they were treated the opposite ways because the allies thought they had won the war and were now superior to Germany. So the Germans had no other solution but to sign the treaty. They called the treaty of Versailles a ‘Diktat’. The treaty was devastating for Germany it had to surrender their biggest glory, their army. The German army had to be reduced to 100,000 men (all men had to be volunteered) and its navy could only have six battle ships. It wasn’t allowed to have ...

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This is a focused and accurate response, with a clear judgement reached. More detail was needed in places and the structure and use of language could have been improved. Overall, a solid response. 4 out of 5 stars.