What started World War 1

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What started World War 1?

World War 1 was the result of a string of events that built up underlying tensions between countries, which finally exploded into war. Here are the points on what I think started the World War 1.


France lost a war against Russia in 1871. The victorious Russia joined with other German states to create a new country; a united Germany. The now powerful Germany seized border territory called Alsace-Lorraine from defeated France. This meant that Germany and France remained enemies. France wanted revenge for their defeat and wanted to regain control of the territory of Alsace-Lorraine. Germany knew that France would want revenge and so began to build alliances to strengthen itself and to ensure that France remained weak and isolated.

        Competitions competed against each other to have the strongest and most powerful empire. Also, the more colonies they had the more man power they had. By January 1914 Great Britain had an overseas population of 390 million people. This meant that Germany wanted a large empire and respect like Britain had so badly. But most of the best land had already been taken. Therefore countries like Germany tried to weaken and take over land.

        Large armies and navies were needed to defend empires. By being ready for war and having a good army, it was thought that peace would continue because no one would dare attack. If war started they would be able to defend. Britain had the largest navy in the world and were getting worried when the Germans started building a large navy. This led to a race, where the great powers competed against each other to see who had the biggest and best equipped armed forces by continually building them up. They also competed to see who had the most men in their armies. A naval race also began between Great Britain and Germany. Britain launched the first Dreadnought in 1906. Germans felt threatened by this and started building dreadnoughts of their own. Britain replied to this by increasing the speed of the ship and so the race continued.

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        From 1879 as a result of nationalism, militarism and imperialism countries formed themselves into two groups. German ambitions to be a great empire and power meant that it needed help and allies to support it. So Germany and Austria-Hungary agreed to help each other if they were attacked by Russia. So by 1914 Europe was divided into two. This meant that the sides were the Central Powers – Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey, and the Triple Entente – Great Britain, Russia, and France. This meant that a war would involve many other countries, even if it had started off between only ...

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