What were the reasons why the police could not catch the killer known as Jack the Ripper.

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Emma Bowall


History Coursework

Question Three

There were many reasons why the police could not catch the killer known as Jack the Ripper. First, they were not an advanced force. They did not know to preserve the scene of the murder, as they thought that if they left it, it would attract the public’s attention. At first they didn’t know that this murderer was a serial killer (Even if they had done, they didn’t know what this was) and not just one or two murders.

It was assumed that the murder of Polly Nichols had been committed by a man who was local, and after the previous attack on Emma Smith, and the murder of Martha Tabram, it was believed that they were all linked by the fact that they were prostitutes.

There were many other reasons, such as red herrings, which wasted the police’s time. An example of this was ‘Leather Apron’, a Jewish man who had been suspected of the murder, as he wore a leather apron, had a ‘sinister expression’ and had a previous conviction for stabbing. He was arrested, but this was a waste of valuable time, as he had alibis for both murders that he was accused of, so he was released. All of the suspects that were arrested were released in the end, which took up even more police time. The police took notice of the wrong evidence, such as the suggestion by Elizabeth Long, that the man she saw was a foreigner.

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The police did however take notice of the evidence that stated that the murderer had anatomical and medical knowledge. The way that two of the victims had been cut, led to the arrest of three horse slaughterers (Who were later cleared as they had all been working at the time of the murders) and many more inquiries at abattoirs and slaughter houses.

This led to the suggestion that the murderer may have been a visitor to the area of Whitechapel, and not a local as previously thought. Therefore, they took the evidence from Elizabeth Long seriously, even though ...

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