Who was to blame for not catch Jack the Ripper.

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In my opinion, the police were partly to blame for not catching Jack the Ripper. Although it was their job to catch him and they should have done a much better job there were also many conditions that prevented them from catching him. They should have been way more efficient than they were and they weren't experienced with the sort of case that they were dealing with as it had never happened in the area before.

The technology at the time was also very primitive and as a result, there was no way that they could have found out who he was without catching him murdering someone which was impossible in the 'network of narrow, dark and crooked lanes' or with a statement from a witness. This is proved in source H, 'All the police can hope is that some accidental circumstance will lead to a trace which may be followed to a successful conclusion'.
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Also, there was absolutely no forensic science at the time and therefore no way of scientifically identifying the murderer through, for example, fingerprints or security cameras. They were so primitive in technology at the time that they could not even distinguish what sort of blood was on people's clothes, which stopped them from proving who the criminal was because if someone had blood on them they could just say that it was animal's blood and the police could not prove otherwise.

As the police were not allowed to offer a reward people were less reluctant to come ...

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