Arguments for and against juries.

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Arguments for and against juries.

By Kathryn Hughes

                                                             December 2004

The right to a trial by jury is a tradition that goes right to the heart of the British legal system. It is a right fiercely fought for, and fiercely defended at those times when its powers have been seen to be under threat - as those backing reforms are finding. The tradition of being "tried by a jury of ones peers" probably has its origins in Anglo Saxon custom, which dictated that an accused man could be acquitted if enough people came forward to swear his innocence. Trial by jury was first enshrined in law in what has been seen as the world's first proclamation of human rights - the Magna Carter.
The document, decreed in 1215 by King John after a rebellion by his barons, stated that a "freeman shall not be... imprisoned... unless by the judgement of his peers". The right to trial by jury was finally established absolutely in the legal system following the trial of William Penn in 1670. A jury of 12 randomly chosen citizens of London refused to convict the Quaker of "leading a dissident form of worship", despite being directed to by the judge and subjected to imprisonment and starvation in a bid to force their hand. The latest government proposals are seen by some as a direct attack on the traditions established in the Magna Carta and confirmed in the Penn trial.
The government wants some defendants to lose the right to choose trial by jury over magistrates' hearing. Supporters say reform is practical for an overburdened modern legal system. The proposed changes affect an Act of 1855 allowing some crimes to be tried by magistrates instead of a higher court if the defendant agreed. The act was designed - like the new proposals - to speed up the legal process. The offences covered included theft, burglary, actual bodily harm and criminal damage. Minor offences, such as drunkenness, could only be tried by magistrates, and major offences, such as murder and rape, only by jury. The government now wants to limit the number of cases which are "triable either way".  

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There have been many debates throughout time about the effectivness of juries. SWR worldwide was commisioned by The Bar Council and The Law Society to conduct research of 903 members of the public aged between 18 and over across England. The findings were as follows;

The above chart shows a clear agreement of the general public on juries and the trust they show in their abilities. Similarly the research showed that the public has more faith in police and juries than others in the justice system.

  • Respondents are most likely to have confidence in the police (81%) and ...

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