Compare the representation of the cultures in the "Cymbeline" poster and "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" video cover.

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Compare the representation of the cultures in the "Cymbeline" poster and "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" video cover.

In the recent years representation of East Asian culture has altered greatly. East Asians were previously inferred to be barbaric, admirers of violence and were deemed lower-grade to White Europeans. A current poster produced to advertise a production of Shakespeare's Cymbeline displays culture as it was seen in medieval times and portrays this White European thought. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (CTHD) however, is an up to date film by an East Asian director and featuring an exclusively East Asian cast. Subsequently, it symbolises the East Asian culture in an extremely different way, defying such pre-conceived notions of the past. The chief discrepancies in the depiction of the East Asian culture between the two media genres are involving the hero figure, the representation of women and the function and implication of violence.

The hero in the Cymbeline poster is clothed in gold, but is a white male and this connotes his value; gold signifies importance and that he is highly valued. He has a fair and tranquil face and is entwined in a clasp with a white European woman. The hero and his partner are greater in size than others in the Cymbeline poster, particularly the indigenous East Asians. Altogether, these aspects compose the code of the hero; this is portrayed by his vast distinction and intense degree of contemplation.
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On the other hand, the representation of the hero in CTHD is much more complicated and in contrast to the Cymbeline poster because of its celebration of the East Asians. In CTHD the hero is also male and is positioned with two females. The hero in this case is not European but East Asian. Though the hero is placed with two women, he is not in a romantic state or setting and has a thoughtful and calm facial expression. The hero in the CTHD media text is clothed in white and immersed in a golden light, which connotes ...

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