The aim of this course is to improve my fitness and strength in rugby. This course will make my cardio vascular muscle stronger so therefore I will have a stronger healthier heart. I want to be able to withstand a full 80 minutes of rugby, and feel less tired then I normally do. I will grade myself appropriately depending on the station. To make this a fair test, I will do a ‘control’ fitness test at the beginning and end of the 6 week training programme. I should have improved on each station whether that be with a quicker time, or have a more controlled heart rate. Also during this programme, I will try to improve my general health as well, by eating a balanced diet as well as becoming fitter. I will also try to improve on some of the skills in rugby such as passing.

I will concentrate on these aspects of fitness that are specific to my aims:

Muscular Endurance:

I will build up my muscular endurance so I can withstand the pressure in situations like a ruck, for the full 80 minutes of a rugby game. Muscular endurance is important because without it you are unable to perform to your highest standards which could lead to the loss of the game or and injury if you overwork yourself. This is specific to rugby as it is important to be able to perform in scrums, rucks and tackles consistently throughout the game.

Speed Endurance:

Improving my cardio vascular muscles will mean that I would be able to pump blood quicker and more effectively round my body. This would mean that I would be able to work harder for longer on the rugby field, as I would have less of an oxygen debt after ‘working,’ have a quicker recovery rate and I will be able to react quicker. This is specific to rugby, as every player on the team needs to run at some point, whether it is running from an attacker or trying to build up moment to go into a ruck.

Precautions need to be taken throughout the training programme, as safety can be the difference between achieving your aims, or getting an injury:

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Warm Up:

The warm up is very import as it prepares you mentally and physically for the training session. This needs to be a good twenty minutes. It should start with some light aerobic activity, e.g. jogging or cycling, to increase blood flow to your body and to warm and loosen the muscle fibres and joints so they are ready for sport. After that all the main joints need to be stretched so flexibility is increased and there is less risk of injury.

Cool Down:

This should be done the same way as the warm up, accept it is advisable ...

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