Japanese Imperialism.

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Japanese Imperialism

By Natasha Guthrie

12J, Mr. Hillier

Research Assignment

Japanese Imperialism

The Meiji Restoration, as it came to be known, ended 250 years of self-isolation for Japan. The modern world in which Japan entered was one where exploration and imperialism had featured predominantly over a long period of time. Thus, grasping the slogan of “rich country, strong army,” Japan entered the modern world at full force.

Due to America’s aggressive intervention, Japan’s primary intention from the outset of the Meiji Restoration was ultimately to avoid becoming part of a European empire by attaining international equality. Thus, the rulers of Japan prepared the country for imperial expansion through the modernization of its social, political, educational, industrial and military institutions.

By the turn of the nineteenth century, after many years of peace and stability, a widespread sense of discontent and a general readiness for change had spread among the people of Japan. Hoepper (1996, p271) notes that during the Tokugawa era, which lasted for 264 years, a series of regulations, known officially as the Tokugawa Seclusion Policy, were drafted to formalize Tokugawa power. Smith and Patrick (1997, p24) theorize that the policy was ultimately enforced upon Japan as the Tokugawa were determined to maintain the status quo within society and prevent any uprisings against their rule. Such regulations included the prohibiting of local ships from sailing abroad; the enforcement of the death penalty for Japanese whom ventured outside the nations boarders; insisted that those who had been living overseas were to be executed upon their return; offered rewards for people who exposed Christians and demanded that children of foreign parentage be killed unconditionally.

Rajenara (1984, p185) suggests that Japan’s latter international success was in fact a result of its indoctrination of order and schematic way of living during the Tokugawa reign. The feudal system, introduced initially during the eleventh century, saw that all citizens of Japan knew their place within society and what was expected of them. The cultural values and traditions cultivated by the Japanese were indicative of just how rigidly conservative they were and arguably still are. This unquestionable obedience worked in favor of the Tokugawa rulers at first, however the Tokugawa Shogunate was built for war and groups, particularly the Samurai class, were most affected by this prolonged period of peace.

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In 1853, uninvited and ultimately unwelcome foreigners, who sought diplomatic and trade relations with Japan, shattered its centuries old ‘system of exclusion,’ as claimed by (Gilhooly, 2002, p18). Pressure had began to be exerted on Japan from the 1850’s to open up trading ports as foreign ships probed Japan’s isolation with increasing insistency. In 1853, Commodore Perry sailed into Edo Bay with a letter from the American President requesting the opening of Japan’s doors to trade. “No nation can cut itself off from the rest of the world,” president Adams had declared. (Rajenara and Lower, 1984, p186). Gilhooly (2002, ...

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