Peel resigned in 1846 following disputes between himself and the Conservative party over "favoured" agricultural interests.

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Peel resigned in 1846 following disputes between himself and the Conservative party over "favoured" agricultural interests. The group had suspicions of Peel being a traitor since Catholic emancipation; and he had confirmed these suspicions by acting in favour of Free trade over the Corn Laws (1846)- thereby favouring the Liberals more than his own party. This turnaround was also taken badly amongst the Conservatives because Peel had used the Corn Laws to drum up support in order to gain power and become Prime Minister.

When the government voted for Free trade roughly two thirds of the Tories backed protection and one third supported Peel and free trade. Unfortunately the one third included most of the Conservative cabinet and many talented politicians- including Gladstone. As a result Peel and supporters formed a group known as the "Peelites" although this group dwindled in size from 1985 they merged with the Whigs and the radicals to form the Liberal party. The defining of this party was very significant as it showed that their was indeed a permanent split between the "Peelites" and the Conservative party. Gladstone was the most prominent politician who made this transaction he did not favour the politicians in the Conservative party especially Disraeli due to his vengeful attacks against Peel.
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The departure of the "Peelites" managed to spur on another factor, which helped to make the Conservative party less successful, and this problem was weak leadership. Although The conservative party came into power three times under Lord Derby (Derby- Dizzy administrations 1852-1968) their affluence can be called into question- on all three occasions the party held a minority position; this meant that the group had great difficulty in implementing political moves. Lord Derby himself was also an obstacle to this hurdle he was seen as a very limited leader, who didn't take his job seriously and lacked enthusiasm. ...

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