Research Project - "Can the Central Bank in Jamaica be truly independent?"

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Stephen Snider

Economics - Unit 2

Research Project - “Can the Central Bank in Jamaica be truly independent?”

Table of Contents

What is the Central Bank?        1

Why Should the Central Bank be Independent?        4

Why Should the Central Bank be Regulated?        6

Conclusion        8

Bibliography        9

What is the Central Bank?

As defined by a central bank is the entity responsible for the monetary policy of its country or of its group of member states as in the European Union. Also called a reserve bank or the monetary authority, it has two vital roles in the macro economy.  It oversees the whole monetary system of the country. It must maintain the stability of the national currency (eg the Jamaican dollar) and money supply as well as control interest rates.  It may also be necessary for the bank to save a recognized, private bank in times of financial crisis, especially if the bank is an integral to the national financial system. It does this by acting as a bailout lender of last resort to the banking sector.  

The second role of the central bank is that it acts as the government’s agent by being its banker and in carrying out the country’s monetary policy. The central bank finances the activities of the current government and in most cases, works in close contact with the government’s treasury. The policies that the government devises for the country are assisted by the central bank and when the government controls the central bank it must follow the orders of the government even if it feels that they are not sound.  

The monetary policy of the central bank is controlled through various instruments. These are open market operations, interest rates, reserve requirements, and capital reserves. Open market operations describe how the central bank influences the money supply directly. Each time it buys securities it raises the money supply and vice versa. This purchasing of securities also can influence the foreign exchange market and thus the local exchange rate. Interest rates can be affected by the central bank. By changing such rates as the Marginal Lending Rate, the Main Refinancing Rate, and the Deposit Rate, the central bank directly affects money market and the loans market. The reserve requirement is the percentage of a private bank’s deposits that it must use as reserves. This prevents the bank from overextending itself and running the risk of going bankrupt. Capital requirements are what amount a bank must hold with the central bank to allow a loan to be made. This prevents indefinite lending and is similar in function to the reserve requirement.

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A central bank may also have the supervisory powers necessary to ensure that banks and other financial institutions do not behave recklessly or fraudulently. It is usually headed by a governor who is sometimes picked by the current government. In the case of the European Central Bank, a president presides over the bank and in Singapore there is a Chief Managing Director. Jamaica has a board of directors who are in charge of the bank and who are appointed by the Minister of Finance.

        The following is an excerpt from the official website of the Bank of Jamaica. The ...

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