To what extent was the Liberal election victory of 1906 caused by dissatisfaction with the Conservative Party?

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Polly Jackman, 12SAM

To what extent was the Liberal election victory of 1906 caused by dissatisfaction with the Conservative Party?

      The 1906 election was a landslide victory for the Liberal Party. It was a dramatic turn-around for the main contender to British Government that had been out of power for twenty years. The Liberals won 377 seats outright, and including the 27 Lib-Lab seats and around 80 Irish Home Rule seats they had made a dramatic defeat. The Conservative Party lost 245 seats since the 1900 election, in 1906 they had only 157. However, this majority does not seem so great when looked at in percentage of votes. The Liberals won just over 50% of the vote, while the Conservatives were only slightly behind with 43%. This apparent anomaly is explained by the British Electoral system; the ‘first past the post’ policy where the M.P with the highest number of votes wins, regardless of whether other Parties have nearly the same number of votes.  This sensational change in the British public’s votes must have been a sign of the obvious change in mood over the Conservative’s term. Was the electoral result a consequence of changing British values, or was it a result of Conservative blunders?

          There is no doubt that the various stratas of British society were all dissatisfied at some point with Conservative rule. The working classes in particular felt upset by the Conservatives over many issues. Chinese Slavery, the decision by the Conservative Government to send thousands of Chinese labourers to South Africa to work the goldmines to rebuild the economy after the Boer War angered many of the working class. To them this decision closed the chance of white emigration to South Africa by taking away any work that would have been there for them when they got there. Some felt solidarity with the Chinese and believed that they had been put into slavery, they wondered whether the same type of thing could happen to themselves in Britain. The 1901 Taff Vale case enraged many of the working class, especially the unionists. After the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants went on strike and were sued, they were made to pay £42,000 with costs. This set a precedent so that no union could strike without fear of ruination through suing. To the working class it seemed as though the Government did nothing. They did not reverse the judgement but set up a Royal Commission that served to delay the fine, not cancel it.  When Tariff Reform became an issue the Conservatives split into factions – 'Free Fooders', 'Whole Hoggers' and 'Balfourites'; those who believed voraciously in Free Trade, who backed Chamberlain completely, or who supported the Prime Minister in all his decisions. The Liberals were united against Tariff Reform and so was Ritchie, Chancellor of the Exchequer, who wanted to reassert Free Trade. The Liberals put across the ‘Small loaf argument’, which meant, in the most basic terms to the working classes that tax on non-Colony products like wheat would make them more expensive. The price of the basic staple of their diet, bread, would rise. As the Liberals explained it this meant that with Tariff Reform, for the money they paid for a large loaf of bread then, they would only be able to buy a small loaf later. For the working classes it appeared as though the Conservatives had provided no social reforms. In all Balfour and Salisbury’s time before him, only the two Education Acts, the Workmen’s Compensation Act, the Unemployed Workmen’s Act which gave no state funding and the Licensing Act had been passed to directly affected the working man’s life.

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        The middle classes were also dissatisfied with Conservative rule. They were distressed at the attitudes used in the Boer War. The Scorched Earth policies and Concentration Camps were seen as cruel and unneeded. The Nonconformists who tended to be middle class did not like the 1902 Education Act where state funding was given to church schools as well as Nonconformist schools. They saw this as strengthening the Anglican Church. Opposition was particularly strong locally, where perhaps the only school available for Methodist children was Anglican. Members of the Temperance movement who were also mostly middle class ...

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