Was the provisional government doomed to failure from the beginning

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Was the provisional government doomed to failure from the beginning??

The provisional government of Russia was established in February 1917 as a temporary replacement for Tsar Nicholas II after his abdication. Liberals of groups such as the Kadets and the Octoberisit’s dominated the Provisional government. The provisional government represented mainly some nobility and middle classes. The percentage of nobility and middle classes was very small in comparison to the 80% of the population that were peasants. This shows that the provisional government did not represent the majority of people’s interests in Russia.

  In my opinion the Provisional Government was not doomed to failure from the beginning. This is because there were many factors out of their control in 1917 that led to its downfall. In the absence of these problems the provisional government could have well survived until the elections to the constituent assembly in November 1917. These factors include the social and economic disrupt in Russia at the time, Lenin and the Bolsheviks and the dual power shared between the provisional government and the Petrograd soviet. These problems put extreme pressure on the provisional Government.

   Russia’s wealth and land was extraordinarily unevenly distributed. 80% of the population were peasants. However 25% of land was owned by 1% of the population. This obviously meant a vast majority of the population were unhappy with their living standards and therefore with how the country was being governed. Land distribution was a major problem as there was a vast amount of land in Russia as it is a huge geographical area. There was also a huge population of peasants hungry for the land. This meant the government had to make tough decisions how to distribute the land. If the provisional government gave land to the peasants then they would have been happy and therefore have no reason to complain and revolt. However the provisional government made the decision to wait until the constituent assembly elections so the elected body could deal with the problems. Russia economy was drained due to the war. Agriculture was the biggest provider of income and due to resources and soldiers being used in war, it could not run efficiently. The provisional government could have chosen to end Russia’s participation in the war. However chose to continue the war and drain Russia even more economically. If the provisional government did not do this and gave the peasants the land they so badly craved then they may have survived, as there would have been less for the people especially the peasants to complain about which would lead to a revolution having no basis. If they chose to end their participation in the war they would of saved Russia from even more drainage, economically and socially. Which would also of weakened the basis for revolution. This shows that the provisional government could have survived if they had taken steps to ensure the people if Russia’s interests were taken care of. This also shows they were not doomed to failure from the beginning.

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    The Provisional government was a temporary replacement. The people of Russia did not elect it.  This meant that they lacked the legitimacy and confidence of the people to make long term, important decisions. As the provisional government was only a short-term leader for the country, they could not make long-term decisions and carry them out.  The problems in Russia were dreadful and needed solving instantaneously if they were to avoid any kind of revolution. The provisional government made the decision to wait until the Constituent assembly was elected and to let them deal with the problems in Russia. ...

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