Why does the Chinese Government at the start of the 21st Century refuse to give its people democratic rights, despite encouraging private enterprise in industry, commerce & agriculture and how do you see this situation developing in the next few years?

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Why does the Chinese Government at the start of the 21st Century refuse to give its people democratic rights, despite encouraging private enterprise in industry, commerce & agriculture and how do you see this situation developing in the next few years?

China in the past few years has faced growing problems regarding its expanding economy. The Chinese government have begun to reform China huge economy, however even these small reforms have begun to contradict the Marxist principals which the Chinese Communist Party placed so highly. The encouraging of private enterprise and free markets, have given birth to China’s first millionaires, so in a country that principals state everyone is equal, how is it that some Chinese appear more equal than others? And will China continue its reform in both economical and political terms, and evolve into a democracy like Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong, or will the Chinese Communist Party attempt to keep a strict political reign even with the intrusion of television and the Internet.    

There were and still are clear needs for economic change. Mao Zedong’s huge projects almost crippled China’s economy; the production of useless steel and the neglect of crops caused huge famines and place many Chinese people in serve poverty. The Chinese government seeing no way out of the “Mao-made” crisis that ensued were forced against Marxist principals to grant peasants some private enterprise.

The Chinese government also have an ambition to become a modernised world economic power, however the previously closed Chinese markets have caused many big companies to remain out of China’s markets, thus causing China to slip back into a state of industrial stagnation. However with Deng’s “economic zones” China has slowly become a world power. But with Russia’s recent disastrous conversion to democracy will China risk everything and give its people political freedom?

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China does carry a strong case for not allowing its citizens political freedom. China has had a very long history of authoritarian rule. Its stretches back to the BC Centuries when Emperors of great Dynasties rule China. Even after the final emperor step down in 1912, dictators ruled China. With the early struggles on the 20th Century between the Guomindang and Yuan Shikai, further dictatorships were formed. China’s only taste of democratic life was during the short reign of the Guomindang. The foreign ideas of democracy brought in by San Yatsen, never succeeded. They began a terrible civil war, causing the ...

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