An abortion is a way to end a pregnancy- a way to end a life. "It is equally as heinous intentionally to kill a human being in existence at fertilisation, as to kill a larger pre-born child." This quote is from the most visited abortion site on the web. On that page it doesn’t promote abortion, or even demote it: it gives people (as it’s not just women who can become affect by abortion) a chance to surf around the page reading articles from both sides of the argument- Should abortions be aloud?

There are two sides to the on going argument of abortion- Pro-life and Pro-choice. To most pro-lifers, human life begins at the instant of conception. Thus, they see an abortion clinic as the ethical equivalent of a Nazi death camp. All or almost all abortions should be prohibited.  A pro choicer, however believes that life of a human being doesn’t start until its mother, surrogate or natural, gives birth. Both of these parties feel strongly about the subject of abortion and pro lifers can often go to the extremes of bombing or raiding a Brook Clinic or an abortion centre.

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        I for one feel very strongly against abortion, but I can honestly say that if the situation of me becoming pregnant now, or any time up until I was COMPLETELY ready came about, I would go through the procedure. As of now, 1.2 million pregnancies in the United States end in abortion. The main reasons for terminating a pregnancy is due to the fact that more and more women realise that if they’re not up to raising a child they can turn to their doctor and say “I wish to have an abortion”.  Also more and more ...

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