Abortion: The expulsion of the foetus from the womb prematurely, intentionally killing the baby.

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Abortion: The expulsion of the foetus from the womb prematurely, intentionally killing the baby.

Ever since the first spark of life came to be on this planet, billions of years ago, after the dawn of all time up until the present day; every creature that has ever drawn a breath, respects the miracle that is life.

  Something that is universal is the knowledge that all life is sacred. This is evident in some of the earliest references, and in particular, one of the most studied references, The Bible. Again and again the same ideas pop up. The fifth commandment-“Thou shalt not kill”, in the sermon on the mount-“you shall not kill”, the Catholic declaration-“human life is sacred”… no one, under any circumstances, should be able to claim for himself the right to directly destroy any human being against their will.

  There is a lot we can learn from other cultures on this, whose belief usually contains a “life is sacred” reference. The native Indians believed that all life was connected and understood that all life is sacred.

  It seems that whatever, religion, culture or race, that life, in whatever form it takes is beautiful and sacred and should not be taken or thrown away lightly. The one thing certain from all cultures though, is that life is good and it must continue

Terminating the life of a young baby intentionally is called murder, and considered one of the worst crimes that any person can commit, so why is it that for most people, it is seen as socially acceptable for a foetus to be killed inside the womb? You could also argue that the main problem here is determining the exact point at which the creation is regarded as a conscious being with basic rights, and essentially, the right to life

  It might be helpful to first look at the two extremes of the argument about when the unborn child has rights. There is the argument that life begins at conception, in which case, the foetus has rights from the first moment that a two gametes meet and create a fertilised egg. The other extreme is that, although it is illegal to terminate the life of a foetus after the 25th week of pregnancy, (n.b. currently, a child is not considered to have any rights until it draws its first breath). This has meant that if another person kills the foetus intentionally or by accident, they aren’t likely to be charged with murder or even manslaughter, even though after 20 weeks it’s features are almost fully developed and it might survive outside the womb.

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  There is also the argument that the Roman Catholic Church has kept its views the same since the first century, and as such has failed to move with the changing times and circumstances. Also, this as a law may force women to unofficial and often unhygienic back street clinics, as can be seen in parts of the world where abortion is illegal.

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