An comparison between Aquinas' Analogical view with Dionysius' Via Negativa.

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An comparison between Aquinas’ Analogical view with Dionysius’ Via Negativa.

Via Negativa was a theory which was first used by Dionysius, and it is a theory which looks at how we can go about describing God. God is not an object in the universe and, therefore, it is not possible to describe God through words and concepts which are necessarily limiting. It is, instead, better to talk about God based upon what God is not, in other words we can deny God the sort of qualities, and, therefore limitations that might apply to other beings. The via negativa is a means of coming to know God and what God is through negation.


This view is contrasted by Aquinas who has a more Analogical view. The Analogical view looks at how it is possible to apply words that describe human qualities, and characteristics to help the understanding of God. It’s just that people need to realise that there is a difference between the way which a word is used to describe human characteristics, and the way in which the same word is applied to God.      

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The Via Negativa doesn’t accept that everyday words can be used to describe God because they apply human characteristics onto something/someone who is finite, and therefore not part of this world. But Aquinas says that we only have our everyday language to talk about God. Through the use of Analogy Aquinas believes that we can reach an understanding of what God is. He based his theory on these two analogous techniques.

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