James Newell

                                Skill A03: evaluation        

‘To be married to the same person for the whole of your life is too difficult for many people today. The church should be willing to drop this vow.’

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer and show that you have considered more than one point of view. Refer to Christianity in your answer.

     The question for this statement is, do you think people should stay married for the rest of their lives, no matter what? The vow this question has mentioned in this statement is the vow, ‘Till death do us part’. My first impression is that this statement has covered the difficulties of being in a marriage but may be not the loving perspective of a marriage.

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      The first reason why this statement may be considered within the Roman Catholic Church and the churches throughout Christianity is that how can the husband or wife live through the difficulties of a marriage like physical or sexual abuse even after such solutions like marriage counselling or help from people within the church. It may be bad enough already for the man or women before they are given help. It can also cause pain to other family members like children etc, by maybe bringing depression upon the child or children leading them to a bleak future ...

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