Attitude to Abortion - Christian Churches

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Explain carefully Christian teaching in the area of abortion and the challenges it presents?

The beliefs of all the Christian church about abortion focus along the lines of the 5th commandment “thou shall not kill.”   This commandment is very clear and it helps us to understand what all the Christian churches believe that all human life is sacred and no other human being is should deny anyone else the basic human right of life, from the moment of conception.  In the Old Testament there is a book, called the book of Psalms, which are ancient prayers and give us an understanding of who we are in the eyes of god.  Psalm 139 strongly suggests that we are recognised by god as existing before we come to be born.  “You created every part of me; you put me in my mothers

Womb……………you knew I was there - you saw me before I was born.”  

But still the Abortion Act was passed in 1967, which meant the legalising of this abortion to prevent back street abortions that were extremely dangerous.  

However the Christian churches remain very dissatisfied with the present abortion laws and are still very adamant that abortion should be illegal. They argued that the legalising of abortion would create abortion on demand and this argument seemed to be valid when 1 year after the law allowing abortion was passed 157,000 legal terminations were carried out.  In 1974 we see the Catholic Churches declaration on procured abortion, which stated, “From the time the ovum is fertilised, a life has begun which is neither that of the mother or the father.  It is the life of a new human being who has been created in the image of God.”  This shows us that the Roman Catholic Church is completely against abortion because it violates the sanctity of human life.  

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Successive Popes, church councils and bishops in the Catholic Church have taught that abortion is indefensible since the unborn child is innocent of any offence and incapable of defending itself.  The Catholic Church sees abortion as a mortal sin and has been against abortion and infanticide from the beginning.  It feels that there are many other options open to expectant mothers.  For example giving the child up for adoption or perhaps keeping the child once the mother has be through the trauma of pregnancy.  

Again we see the Christian Church’s unity in the issue as the Presbyterian Church agrees ...

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