Paul Ermanski

English 10

Research Paper



        Not only do human beings not have the right to take a life of another individual, but also innocent people are being executed, and the race of the accused clearly plays a factor in whether or not the death penalty is sought. At least 160 children have been sentenced to death in the U.S. since 1973, and also of the nine girls executed in U.S. history, eight were Black and one was American Indian ( Something has to change, more than 110 people have been put on death row and later found innocent. Capitol punishment is a horrible solution to a bad problem because it is proven to be unjust, not cost effective, and a very cumbersome process.

        As a system with such a huge effect to many people, the death penalty should not have an error rate of at least 4.5%. Supreme court justice William J. Brennan Jr. stated "Perhaps the bleakest fact of all is that the death penalty is imposed not only in a freakish and discriminatory manner, but also in some cases upon defendants who are actually innocent."( A persons life is at stake and this system makes it ok for people to decide whether or not another person will live or die, it is not right for one to decide the fate of another’s life. When a person’s opinion has control of such a powerful decision, things can get ugly. A person’s point of view should be (and typically is) respected, but people’s point of view should certainly not be able to decide if someone is going to be executed. Over 80% of people executed underwent a trial with a white victim, even though nationally only 50% of murder victims are white ( The number of black people executed to the number of white people executed cannot be a coincidence, racism is one more reason the death penalty is unjust. Over 506 cases where a black person is the defendant have lead to execution and only 301 cases where a white person is the defendant have lead to execution (  Race is certainly a factor in the decision of a jury; the capital punishment system has too many flaws to be continued. Another of these flaws is how much money is spent on killing people who can end up being found completely innocent.

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        A hefty amount of peoples tax dollars are being spend on capital cases, probably more than most people would think.  Between 1982-1997 the extra cost of capital trials was 1.6 billion dollars (, stop and think of how you alone could spend this money to better our country, or the world even. Its not to say that there should be no punishment for people who commit crimes “worthy” of the death penalty, but the death penalty costs over 38% more money than life without parole. For example: in Los Angeles, CA, the total cost of a capital trial as opposed ...

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