'Every pregnant woman has an inalienable right to have an abortion'. Discuss.

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Ahmed Rashid

Centre Number: 17543 Candidate Number: 7893

‘Every pregnant woman has an inalienable right to have an abortion’. Discuss.


The moral problems concerning abortion are extensive and very complicated. The issue of whether or not abortion is morally right is one of existence. Specifically, the definition of what it is to be a person, for which there is no universal clarity. It is also one of duty. Namely, whether we have a duty to preserve innocent human life or whether this is less significant than personal autonomy and choice.

In addition, it is a relatively contemporary issue and much of religious scripture originates from thousands of years ago. This does not mean it cannot be of any purpose when determining sacred views on modern topics, but that there can be conflict when people assess the same scripture in different ways, often taking vague assertions and using them as a basis to support their principles. The abortion topic is one that generates strong opinions and yet people have not often probed the theoretical assumptions that underpin the debate. The central issues question whether or not the foetus is a person or potential person and whether or not the foetus has rights. For many, the dilemma, in fact, is balancing the rights of the foetus with those of the mother.  

A common delusion

The dilemma is often grossly oversimplified. Expressly, the syllogism with the premise that killing people is morally wrong and the second premise that the unborn foetus is a person, leads us to logically trust the conclusion that the killing of the unborn foetus and hence abortion, is morally wrong. However, both premises are not that simple and are certainly questionable. Many religious ideas permit killing in cases of self-defence and in some instances, it is positively encouraged, on the grounds of religious warfare, which is considered to be a most honourable act and shown in the Islamic concept of ‘Jihad’. Additionally, the premise that the unborn foetus is a person is a crucial issue and has come under much contention. This methodology, then, is too one-dimensional.

Core Objections

The American conservative movement has produced a major resistance to abortion rights. Conservatives are opposed to abortion on both moral and political grounds and think that not only is it immoral but that it should be categorically prohibited. The ethical bases of the conservatives’ objection to abortion are the principles of altruism. That is to say, humans must sacrifice themselves in order to achieve moral worth. Namely, to treat others not as a means to an end but as ends in themselves. It thus follows that the greatest of all evils is egotism. The conservative therefore sees the selfish act of carrying out an abortion as breaching the rights of another being: the foetus. Because the conservative believes that the proper role of government is to protect rights, it follows that the government is justified in using lawful force to stop a women from having an abortion.

According to the conservative, the embryo or foetus is a potential person, who is equal in moral position to an actual person. The crucial differences in many viewpoints stems from here. The conservative believes that to be a potential person is sufficient to establish moral status. Eventually, the justification is grounded by religious arguments. A potential in Natural Law theory is said to indicate the design of a Creator. If God wills that intercourse result in procreation, then His will must be done. Holy texts from the Torah to the Bible to the Koran are filled with prohibitions against abortion. If a woman is made pregnant, then this is done for a reason and cause, which is that known only by the Deity. Ultimately, all aspects of the conservative case come down to the verdict that abortion is wrong because it not up to humans to make celestial decisions.

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Core defences

However, there are also many people encouraging the endorsement of abortion. Science dictates much of the verifiable evidence that centres the issue. It cannot be refuted, for example, that the foetus growing inside a mother's womb is a biological system that converts nutrients and oxygen into energy that causes its cells to divide, multiply, and grow. It is, consequently, alive. Then again, a single celled amoeba also coverts nutrients and oxygen into biological energy that causes its cells to divide, multiply and grow. It also contains a full set of its own DNA and is also alive. Being ...

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