Explain what is meant in the bible by describing God as a miracle worker

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a)Explain what is meant in the bible by describing God as a miracle worker.(33)

        The biblical approach to God as a miracle worker is influenced by the Greek ideas of Plato and Aristotle. Aristotle’s unmoved mover portrayed a God who was immutable, who keeps the world in motion because of love and desire “a God who was timeless and space less and who was the source of all motion and cause of all causes like Aristotle’s Prime Mover”.  However even though the Prime Mover and Plato’s Demiurge are active throughout spiritually and intellectually, they are not physically. Therefore their Gods have no interaction in the world, so miracles would not be a direct action from God.

        David Hume states that “miracles are a violation of the laws of nature and consequently have a very low probability of happening” and so he argues along with John Macquarie that you can not fundamentally believe in miracles as Science states that nature is consistent and unchanging so there can be no violations within it-therefore the very definition of a miracle contradicts itself. However Hume does not deny that miracles exist, as the very complexity and perfection of the world is thought by Wiles as God showing himself in the world itself.

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        In the Bible God is seen as intimately involved in the fortunes of his people and so will act and react thus showing that he is a personal God. This is shown in Joshua 10 where he embodies the image of the “father” who loves his people by sending hailstones to defeat the Egyptians to save the Israelites. This therefore coincides with anthropomorphic image of God from the New and Old Testament, where God is seen as a super human who can command the universe and perform miracles.  

        The greatest miracle that God performed is the creation of the ...

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