Explore the views of young people on: a marriage related issue. Use a questionnaire on your findings (24)b) Discuss the causes of marital breakdown (21)c) "The Christian marriage vows are irrelevant today" Comment (15)

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  1. Explore the views of young people on: a marriage related issue.        Use a questionnaire on your findings (24)
  2. Discuss the causes of marital breakdown (21)
  3. “The Christian marriage vows are irrelevant today” Comment (15)

Explore the views of young people on a marriage related issue. Use a questionnaire for your findings (24)

I used a marriage questionnaire to question five teenage girls and five teenage boys on divorce.  The results, which I obtained, were surprising to me and the answers from both sexes were extremely similar.

I was surprised that 100% of the people I asked believed that marriage was a worthwhile step in a relationship. At such a young age, I felt that males would be likely to despise the idea of settling down faithfully to one girl but everyone of them agreed that spending their lives with the one person they loved was the best way. Each girl also agreed to marriage, which was what I had predicted, as the commercial wedding in magazines is a dream, which girls have.

I asked the question “what are your thoughts on divorce?” to which I received, yet again, similar answers to. Both male and female agreed that divorce is wrong but should be acceptable in very extreme cases.

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The marriage vows: “to have and to hold from this day forward; for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; till death do us part”, were not seen as essential by all of the people I asked, this was surprising to me, as I believe strongly in the vows which extenuate the love and devotion in a relationship. One male said that the vows were not at all important in marriage and that love is the leading factor, which if both people understand and trust it is all that matters. ...

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