'For Christians sex is only right within marriage" Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer showing that you have thought about more than one point of view.

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A03 'For Christians sex is only right within marriage" Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer showing that you have thought about more than one point of view.

Many Christians have different views and ideas on whether or not sex is only tight within marriage. Most Christians accept that adultery is wrong i.e. having extra-marital sex, with someone who is not your marriage partner, but increasing numbers of Christians, especially young Christians who are exposed to these ideas every day, now believe that sex before marriage is okay. Sex outside marriage can take many forms; adultery, sex before marriage but with the intention of marriage later, sex in a long-term relationship but not a marriage, and sex whenever you want it, before or after marriage.

The media has a lot of power over people's opinions, and is a big influence on young people today. Everything is telling us that light sex is acceptable, a normal part of life, and something we must experience. On television, in films, magazines, books, everywhere, we are being told that sex is great and that no relationship is complete until you've slept with a person. This is a reflection of society's declining moral standards as more and more is becoming acceptable, and people can no longer be shamed for anything. People take on the attitude that you only live once, and you should make the most of it, caring for yourself and no one else. In our world today, self-discipline is important in not accepting these false impressions-this sex for all attitude is not a reality for most people. It is destructive to stability and is against all Christian principles.
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Many Christians believe that sex is a gift from God and its purpose is to bind a couple in their marriage commitment and continue God's great work of creating new life. I believe that to have sex you open yourself to the possibility of creating life and only if you are prepared to take on the responsibilities of bringing up children should you have sex. Others believe that sex is a natural need or function, and it is irrelevant whether or not it happens in or outside of marriage, or whether or not you really know the person; ...

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