Annabel Weaver

Muslim Worship

     Islam is one of the most important religions in the world today, and historically. The people who follow this religion are called Muslims. They follow the teachings of Muhammad, the prophet, the Qur’an and of Allah (God).

     The Mosque

     The Friday Salah, (prayer) is always said in a congregation, and is performed around midday in a Masjid (Mosque). This building is more than just a place for prayer. From the time of the prophet Muhammad, Mosques have also been at the centre of society and social life in the Muslim community.

     So by tradition, therefore, the Mosque has been used as a place of formal gatherings and informal ones too. They are also used for education and many other social activities.

This same pattern is followed by Muslims today:

  1. Worship- prayer is the most important activity in the Mosque and the Muslim religion
  2. A meeting place- Muslims may meet in a Mosque to celebrate the birth of a newborn baby, a marriage or a funeral.

Mosques come in many shapes and sizes-

     You can see how different these pictures look. On the left we have the Minaret of the Great Mosque at Samarra and on the right is the Masjid-I-Shah in Iran.

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The five Pillars of Islam

     The five pillars of Islam are the basic duties of each Muslim. Muslims have five different believes. These are called ‘The five pillars of Islam’. Each believe is like the pillar of an important building, which support the building (the building symbolises the religion itself). All these duties are important to themselves. If one was to be removed, the building falls down, like the religion. These pillars are:

  1. Shahadah
  2. Salah
  3. Zakah
  4. Sawm
  5. Hajj


     This is the Muslim declaration of ...

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