Nature of Discipleship

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? It means that you hear the call of Jesus in your life, and leave everything to follow Jesus. All of the first twelve disciples of Jesus put their trust in Jesus, showed compassion and love for him, and above all showed loyalty: ‘…at once they left their nets and went with him…’ Jesus called his disciples to be ‘…fishers of men…’ The nature of the calling involved many qualities. Among these were; faith/trust, service, sacrifice, loyalty, suffering and prayer. These qualities were needed so that the disciples could carry out the specific threefold task: to be companions of Jesus, to preach the gospel, and to drive out demons. In order to grow closer to Jesus and to develop their qualities they would learn from, the example of Jesus’ life and the words and teaching of Jesus i.e. the parables, and the miracles which Jesus performed.

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        The Twelve apostles were chosen specifically for a threefold task. In Mark 3:13-19 Jesus says: ‘…I have chosen you to be with me…I will also send you out to preach and you will have the authority to drive out demons.’ He also says in Mark 16:14-18: ‘…believers will be given the power to perform miracles: they will drive out demons and speak in strange tongues…’ As companions of Jesus they were close to him and learnt from his example.  

        Through the example of Jesus life, the disciples learnt that Jesus needed to pray in order to help and sustain ...

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