Outline the Contribution that Process Theology Makes to Solving the Problem of Evil & Assess its Strengths & Weaknesses as an Explanation for Why Evil Exists.

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Gabriela Belmar-Valencia 13CA                                      29th December 2003

Outline the Contribution that Process Theology Makes to Solving the Problem of Evil & Assess its Strengths & Weaknesses as an Explanation for Why Evil Exists

Process theology aims to solve the problem of evil by removing one of the factors in Epicurus’ inconsistent triad, namely omnipotence. Process theologians do not believe that God created the world ex nihilo, out of nothing, rather that he introduced order to pre-existent chaos. God is part of the universe but more than just the sum total of it, and has only limited influence over the Universe and mankind. According to process theologians such as Whitehead, God is contingent upon the development of the Universe.

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Process theology has many implications for the problem of evil. It has strength in that it removes the logical problem of evil by removing a part of the inconsistent triad. God did not create the universe and therefore did not create evil, he is not responsible for the evil in the world. God cannot control evil, indeed, he suffers too therefore the continuance of evil in the Universe is explained. Process theologians believe that this universe is better than no universe at all and that ultimately the good in the universe outweighs the bad. It also maintains that the ...

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